Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Eid's coming

I'm very excited – I have my Eid clothes ready for, apparently, a week's worth of celebrating! Life surely does not get better then this!!

Actually, have to tell you about the my pap experience: Through charity links, I was asked to provide a live broadcast to a local Reading radio station on Sunday at luchtime BST. I'm thinking now if all this clinical psychology malarky fails/gets boring etc, I could be a media presenter. Let's face it there are always slots for muslims on Channel 4, it seems ;-)

Question: Is it wrong to have a religious figure write a poem about you?? Apparently, a religious type was in a meeting I attended and he spoke to my host here and said he liked me so much he wrote a poem about me!! I'm going to reserve judgement until I actually read this (obviously) work of art...

Oh, just learnt from home that I'm officially Dr Dr Khan. Yep, update your records, y'all ;-)

Snogs all 'round x

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